Delegate Vote
Total delegated voting power:
1,685 MNT
0 L1 MNT (1 delegator)
1,685 L2 MNT (0 delegators)
Self Description
I have been in the crypt for about 2 years. Unfortunately, I don't get what I want, but I spend a lot of time here. I'm a mod in several projects, and an early adopter and taster in a large number of projects. And I sincerely believe that I should not give up, and these 2 years will pay off in the future.
I have been in the crypt for about 2 years. Unfortunately, I don't get what I want, but I spend a lot of time here. I'm a mod in several projects, and an early adopter and taster in a large number of projects. And I sincerely believe that I should not give up, and these 2 years will pay off in the future.