I steer the ecosystem growth team at Mantle. Since embarking on this journey in late 2021, I have been a key contributor to Mantle (formerly BitDAO), working across various teams and supporting numerous initiatives. I am passionately committed to supporting early-stage projects and fostering new innovations among developers. This commitment often finds me actively participating at various Ethereum events and hackathons, engaging with the community right at the heart of innovation. Being among builders is where I feel at home. My career in the tech industry is marked by a consistent drive to explore new technological frontiers. With an extensive background in market and product research, I have contributed to the development of over 100 tech products. My expertise spans both software and hardware, with a particular focus on user experience and research, ensuring products are highly attuned to user needs. My dedication at Mantle is rooted in creating an ecosystem that empowers builders to unleash their full potential. I am proud of what we've achieved so far as a community, and I'm eager to contribute to the long term growth and success of the Mantle Ecosystem.
Interested in helping build the Mantle Ecosystem through engagement, investment, and social media.
Ever since my first SOZU HAUS participation in Paris I feel deeply connected to the SOZU fam and Mantle ecosystem. It was the proof for me that a blockchain ecosystem is more than its technicalities. This ecosystem understands very well, that its not necessarily a higher TPS that will attract and retain talent. Moreover it is the personal bond and vibes that will keep people shipping products on Mantle. I am delegating my voting power to SOZU HAUS as I know they will do the best job in onboarding, retaining and supporting the right people as well as making the right decisions to make Mantle a established and thriving blockchain ecosystem ... it ain't much but I hope I can set the right signal for more people to come :)